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Forum of Alone Mothers,
abbreviation FOMa, was funded in year 2003 according to needs to solve social status of not complete families in Slovak Republic. Three women – one divorced, one single and one widowed mothers did come to agreement to fund this NGO.
This says also to who this NGO serves.
But we have to remark,
that if a man is caught in same role as alone mother – he alone cares about children, which he has intrusted, we can offer him the same services as to women.
We made a resolution to our tasks because,
we had experienced absurdity of law adjustments in our state, bullet-proof and reactionism of all-society opinions on life of alone mother with children, we had experienced maladroitness of out law system, unfairness of relation between society to men and women.
We see far-reaching consequences
of society behaviour to this society group and our point is to educate our children to better life, so we started to work on this.
Keep us fingers crossed please.